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Undergraduate Membership


Demetria Smith
NER Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator

A person may be admitted to membership in an undergraduate chapter or a colony only while in attendance at a four-year accredited college:

Candidates for undergraduate membership may be inducted after successfully completing one quarter, trimester or semester

  • ​Undergraduate candidates matriculating in a four-year accredited degree program housed on a community or junior college campus, shall be eligible for membership 

  • Students seeking membership through this process must provide:

    • ​A sealed transcript from the degree-granting institution

    • Verification of enrollment from the housing institution

  • ​​​Candidates must have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average or average accepted at the institution and/or by the Pan-Hellenic Council, whichever is greater.

  • Candidates must complete the requirements set forth in the national membership intake process of the Sorority as adopted by the Grand Chapter.

  • Once inducted, an undergraduate Soror must maintain the national standard grade point average of 2.5 in order to remain in good standing.

  • Undergraduate membership can be limited to 6 years.  At that time, if the member does not have an undergraduate degree, she shall transfer to a graduate chapter as an associate member.


Use the 'Chapter Locator' for more information or complete the 'Membership Inquiry' button.

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